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Pun Of The Day

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Book of Questions -1


Being lonely really teaches you how to be in touch with yourself, so much so that you almost lose contact with the world outside you. You exist and that existence is so loud that you can’t hear anything else but yourself. There are merits and demerits of being aware of yourself, or in other words being self-conscious. You have to learn to accept yourself as you are because there is no way you can break up with yourself. It’s not like a relationship with a physically separated entity that you can snap out of when you don’t see any benefits of continuing it. It is a hard and naked truth that you have to live with. And there is no estrangement possible; no matter how hard you try. You are completely exposed to the weaknesses of your person and still you are not able to break up. I think that is the most difficult relationship to maintain. The one with yourself!

Why then is it so easy to breakup with another person you are in relationship with, just because he/she does not fit all your requirements?

Is it fair to expect high from a relationship? Is it fair to want things that you may not be able to compensate for?

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